The old fashioned way with existing light and mostly with a manual Miranda camera :)
Though I do Digital photography also....

The summer before 1st grade ! 1953 Yes I still remember the event . I was
the only one to catch fish that day!
Below, Midway album picture around 2001 or so ??? !!!


Schooner America 2

Schooner Amazing Grace

Don exclaimed "Which ###***## saegull did that?"

Captain Mike.... Arrrgh-Matey :)

With this jig, you rest the circular saw on the foot of the guide getting a straight start cutting a 90 degree cut,
using the sliding bolt you can set any angle you want to cut.
you can easily clamp the jig guide to the piece to be cut.

October 2012 fishing trip
400 miles north of San Diego
in the Sierras
West & North of Bishop Calif.
1st two pictures Intake 2 lake
8200 ft west of Bishop
we also fished Sabrina and
North lake 9000 and 9500 ft
2nd two pictures Convict Lake
7200 ft just South
Of Mammonth ski resort
The yellow colors are Aspens

Lake Sabrina at 9000 ft, very low water,
lots of hungry trout

Rock Creek lake 9600 ft

12000 foot peak west of Bishop

Looking west from intake 2 lake

Maine pictures September 2010
below, Penobscot River, at Lincoln

Above, Mt Katadin in the background.

West Branch Penobscot
Central Maine 9/26/2010

Baxter State Park
Maine 9/26/10

Bourne Bridge, Cape Cod
10pm total overcast. Rebel SLR
on manuel ...Film F 5.6 asa/iso 800
Kodak --- 9 seccond esposure
Hometown pictures
Monument Beach Cape Cod

For additional Awesome VACATION :) pictures

Ist quarter moon clear sky
ASA/ISO 400 film f2.5 abt 4 sec
for local Rendezvous site:
google: Buckskinners
Tipi and Girl

Morning mist at Mountian Man Rendevous
Below, The Howitzer I built and Dawn at the rendezvous

8" f4.5 Dob, Telrad finder , have 30 mm; 6mm standard eyepieces and 7.2mm wide angle 82 degree eyepiece
I Have many small nails in the scope base plate ((see picture below)) in a circle sticking up about 1/8th"
and a screw in the side of the scope mount so I can nudge the scope back and forth with a screw driver and
raise and lower the scope with a crank !! :)

Rifle Range spotting telescope 15x to 45x zoom
you spot the object at 15x and zoom up to 45x
mounted on a thrift store movie tripod :)

Kermit and friend
Mountain man Rendezvous

Clear sky 3/4 moon asa 400 f 2.5 3 sec exposure

Mountian Man music By Candlelantern and campfire...
no moon, just starlight asa 400 f 1.8 about 3 sec exp
House of Sweden Balboa Park
Me again !!!

Mountian Man Rendezvous
near lake Quyamaca 1992/1995
Above photo taken 1992 age 44
below unknown photographer
photo of me about 1955 :)

Around here.........

My Photos :)
See the yellow flowers on the desert floor; left center and the green twords top center !!! you will only see this once
a generation!!! the cliff slopes also have a lot of green, but i had to change the contrast / brightness so you could clearly
see the flowers. The desert is allmost a mile straight down from Mount Laguna (6500ft) 65 miles east of San Diego.You
are looking East twords the salton sea which you can see on a clear day !!!
San Diego from Point Loma
Harbor entrance to the right of the picture,
North Island Naval Air Station center right

Euterpe/ Star of India

My Cannon May 8 2004 at the rendezvous
And Dawn May 8th

HMS Surprise San Diego
Picture Below: 180 foot cutter Evergreen I served on her Sept 66 to Aug 67 Jan 67 we encountered a storm
off the Grand Banks Newfoundland with occasional sets of 90 foot high waves......repeatedly broached and nearly capsised the
ship --I STILL remember ...............................

Above Picture: Cutter Escanaba, your average day on the Winter North Atlantic 1000 miles east of Newfoundland.
I served on her Fall 1967 after QM &Signalman schools until June 1970
Below; Midway Baptist Christmas Program
I'm the Wise Man on the left behind
King Herod, who is seated... King Herod played by our delightful brother Richard Valdez; recently gone into Jesus

Angels over Bethlehem

Above Angels picture by Kermit
Below, my picture on Pine Mountian,
Luguna Mountians
early winter in the clouds..... COLD !!!

Who pulled the plug
on Lake Moreno ??? !!!
